The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to be expanding the Lifejacket Loaner Station program that was piloted in 2016.
This year, there are five provincial parks and recreation sites that are offering lifejackets to be borrowed, free of charge. This is an important water safety initiative, as July 16-22 is National Drowning Prevention Week in Saskatchewan. “Part of what makes Saskatchewan’s provincial parks so special are our exceptional lakes and waterways,” Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport Ken Cheveldayoff said. “Offering these lifejacket loaner stations, proclaiming National Drowning Prevention week and partnering with the Lifesaving Society help us to ensure that our visitors have a safe and happy summer by practicing water safety.” The Lifejacket Loaner Stations are available in five locations: Echo Valley, Great Blue Heron, Katepwa Point and Pike Lake Provincial Parks and Regina Beach Recreation Sites. The kiosks are located in the main beach area of each location and offer a variety of sizes for visitors to choose from. The kiosks have instructions on how to use the lifejackets and the goal of the program is to increase awareness and lifejacket usage. “Lifejackets save lives,” CEO of the Lifesaving Society - Saskatchewan Branch Shelby Rushton said. “Ninety per cent of fatal drowning victims in Saskatchewan that should have been wearing a lifejacket were not. It is our hope that choosing to utilize the lifejackets at the kiosks will assist in the prevention of drowning.” Visit to learn more about the lifejacket loaner stations and events and activities going on in the provincial park system. Visit for more information on National Drowning Prevention Week in Saskatchewan.