New changes are coming to the QVJHL in the 2017/2018 season. These rule changes will bring Junior C more in line with Junior B as far as how team rosters are made up. SHA has changed the rules in Junior C hockey in Saskatchewan, specifically rule 5.04.03 (c) 1, 2 & 3 and 5.01.01 (a) 3. The new rule changes will allow each team to card 23 players on their January 10 roster, as opposed to the 21 cards each team was previously allowed. Changes to 5.01.01 (a) 3 now allow any new Jr. C club to card any 20 year who has played in the league the previous season if they have played a min. of ten games the previous season. Below are transcripts of the actual rules and their changes:
5.04.03 (c)
i) Junior C teams shall be provided with 45 Hockey Canada / SHA player cards and may sign and register not more than 25 eligible players at one time up to December 1st.
ii) On this date (Dec 1), all teams must reduce their player list and their unused Hockey Canada/SHA player cards to 25 at least two (2) of whom must be goaltenders.
iii) On January 10th, all teams must further reduce their player lists to 23 players or less. If 23 players are listed at least two (2) must be goaltenders.
iv) These lists must be submitted in full on the dates specified above to the general manager.
v) The players so dropped may register and play with any other team if eligible.
vi) Any team failing to abide by this regulation shall be declared ineligible for further competition until provisions are met, provided further, that non-compliance shall result in all players being declared released from membership with the team (free agent). d) No team shall receive more cards than stated in
a) regardless of injuries or player availability except under Rule E-84 of the Hockey Canada Rule Book.
5.01.01 (a)
i) the maximum number of players that are twenty-one (21) years old will be (2).
ii) The twenty-one (21) year-old players, that are carded by any Junior C team must have been carded with that Junior C team the previous season as a twenty (20) year old and must be on that Junior C teams final February 10th roster and must have played at least a minimum of ten (10) league and/or playoff games with that Junior C team the previous season.
iii) Exception: A new Junior C team in the SHA will be permitted to card a maximum of two (2) twenty-one (21) year old players, that were carded by any Junior C team in the SHA the previous season as a twenty (20) year-old and must have been on one of SHA’s Junior C teams final February 10th roster and must have played at least a minimum of ten (10) league and/or playoff games with that Junior C team the previous season.
iv) Each Junior C team will be allowed to card a maximum of eleven (11) players that are twenty (20) years old or twenty one (21) years old.