On February 17th, 2018 at the Maple Creek Community Arena was the 36th annual Battle of Big Puck in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan.
Locals from the Nekaneet First Nation and locals from Maple Creek & the ranching community play a rec hockey game against one another.
The third period was when the “cowboys” and the “Indians” finished the game in full cowboy gear or Pow Wow Regalia!
Proceeds from this very colorful and fun event always go to a local charity. The event is organized by community volunteers from both the community of Maple Creek and Nekaneet. The organizing committee decided that this year the proceeds would be divided between the Maple Creek Hospital & Nekaneet youth participating in indigenous games.
Tom Reardon, one of the original organizers of the Battle of Big Puck, said that what makes the game special is the fellowship between players.
"When the game ended, everybody just stopped skating and went to visit with the guy that was beside him."
Reardon added that he never envisioned the game becoming the attraction that it has, but says with all of its success it hasn't lost its purpose, which is to celebrate two cultures co-existing and cooperating and enjoying one another.
Photography by: Shauna Buffalo Calf