A thirty-four year-old female has been issued a ticket for disobeying the Province’s Public Health Orders around private gatherings during the pandemic.
On Sunday, November 22, 2020, at approximately 5:00 p.m., police attended to the 3100 block of Arens Road for a report of a private gathering in violation of the Public Health Order. When police arrived and located the gathering, they observed a gathering of twelve people. Police spoke with the residents at that address and advised them they were in violation of the Public Health Order limiting the size of private gatherings. On Tuesday, November 24, police returned and issued a ticket for contravening S.61 of The Public Health Act, 1994. The ticket has a voluntary payment option of $2,800.

This incident is not a criminal offence. The charge is a Summary Offence Ticket Information (SOTI), under a Provincial Statute. The Regina Police Service will not be releasing the individual’s name.
The Regina Police Service once again urges Regina residents to familiarize themselves with the Public Health Orders in effect during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is more at stake than tickets and fines. We all have a responsibility when it comes to community health and safety.